A temper tantrum is when a child has an unplanned outburst of anger and frustration. Tantrums can be physical, verbal or both. Tantrums are a normal part of your child’s development. They happen as a child learns to become more independent.
A big cause of toddler temper tantrums is the conflict they feel. They seek independence but still crave their parents’ attention. And they haven’t developed coping skills to deal with strong emotions or disappointments. They often lack the verbal skills to explain how they feel, so they lash out instead.
A child’s temper tantrum is not a reflection of poor parenting. Tantrums happen because of a child’s personality and current situation. They’re a normal part of child development.
If you sense a tantrum starting, but it hasn’t become a full-blown outburst, try to distract your child.
At Camelot, we engage children in character education lessons to be aware of how to manage emotions when in anger.
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